Tuesday, April 29, 2008

iTheme Techno Left 2 Column Template

This is another variation of the popular Mac OS interface design which includes the original really cool drag & drop sidebar feature. It allows you to rearrange the order of your sidebar in a dynamic fun way (check out the demo and try it yourself). It also includes the FeedIt widget which shows real-time live traffic to your site.

This template also comes with a top AdSense link unit which is a great spot to make money with your blog. Make sure you have a Google AdSense account and then you’ll need to modify the template code and replace the AdSense code with your own.

This XML template was converted by BlackQuanta and was designed and built by Nick La.

Installation Instructions

  • Copy and paste the code directly to template editor box
  • PLEASE DO NOT PREVIEW YOUR BLOG. Go to Layout > Page Element
  • Edit “Top Menu” widget. Add at least one link, for example you can make a link to your blog homepage with “Home” anchor text
  • Edit “Archives” widget. Chose “Flat List” Style and “MM YY” Date Format style, for example “February 2008″
  • Edit “Recent Posts” widget. Change Feed URL to http://YOURBLOGNAME.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
  • Edit “Recent Comments” widget. Change Feed URL to http://YOURBLOGNAME.blogspot.com/feeds/comments/default
  • Go to Settings > Formatting, choose Timestamp style: “Wednesday, January 30, 2008″
  • Finish. Preview your blog to see the result.
>>>>>DOWNLOAD NOW<<<<<


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